Saturday, May 09, 2009

Who Is Poor??

We need money to survive our life,right?

Sometimes we think we're poor coz we don't hav enough money, right?

I want to ask u,is it true dat we can called people who doesn't hav money as


Who is poor?

One day the Prophet asked his dear companions whether they knew who was


They answered dat poor was one who had no dirham r dinar.

He said :

"In my Ummah,the poor is dat man who would appear on d Day of d Judgment b4 ALLAH : he had offered prayer, he had pay zakat, he had observed fast, but he would hav abused somebody, he would hav falsely accused some one,he would hav unauthorisedly taken some one else's property, he would hav murdered some one, would hav hit some body. All his virtues would be given to his victims. If his virtues are finished b4 his wicked deeds are finished, then d errors n sins of d victim would be given to him n he would be thrown in2 d Hell."


Such a man is really poor.His condition is like dat trader who has good worth

1 thousand rupees
but he is a debtor 4 2 thousand rupees.

How can such a man be called rich?

A religious man who offers certain prayers r performs certain forms of

worship,but even after
dat performs certain evil deeds.Behaves rudely

wit d people, treat poor n helpless people cruelly,

how then such a man will be called righteous?

The Prophet has explained by quoting an example.

He said dat d best moral character melts
error like water n bad morals

spoil man's record as vinegar spoils honey.

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